Camping with dogs?
Amigo and Calmita follow me around during the camping prep process. "She is coming and going to the garage!" "She is loading up the car!" "Let's make sure we are not left behind!" --they tell each other. My dogs love going camping with me. They are true adventurers. I love them to come, too. So I do a lot of preparing to make sure the experience is a happy one for all of us.
A few sample indispensable items we take camping are:
- Small metal table. It's light-weight and foldable. Picnic chairs, of course.
- Luci solar lights: These are great because they are light-weight and solar. They charge fast and can be taken around your campground and inside your sleeping quarters. Version 1, in my opinion, is better and cheaper than the 2.0 model.
- Small unigear folding stainless steel stove: I use this stove when I do not want to spend too much fuel, propane or wood. This mini backpacking stove is light-weight (shown inside pouch on table) and of really high quality. (Currently 50% off on Amazon.)
- Last, but not least, I can't forget my ENO roadie car hammock stand along with a comfy hammock, of course. The Roadie is the best solution for anywhere hammocking, no matter whether there are trees around or not! I looove it!
As you can see, we don't like to sweat it too much.